In memory of her cherished mother, Holley Cataldo, Shawna Rigsby and her wife, Danielle, have acquired the stunning Doss House in Loretto, Pennsylvania. This house stands as a symbol of hope for those who believe in the afterlife, especially for Shawna, who has turned this home into her mother's enduring legacy. May everyone who steps inside discover truth, perseverance, and a belief in something greater than the present moment.
Nestled in Loretto, Pennsylvania, The Doss House, constructed in 1810, holds the distinction of being the first home built on land that once belonged to several Native American tribes, including the Shawnee, Lenape (Delaware), Asswikales, and Mingoes. This changed in 1799 when Prince Gallitzin and Charles Schwab began leaving their mark on the town. Father Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin rests in a tomb at the eastern end, while Charles Schwab’s Limestone Castle graces the western end. For history enthusiasts, the significance of this juxtaposition is intriguing; personally, it evokes a strong sense of irony.
At the heart of this historic town lies THE DOSS HOUSE. Interestingly, this house served as the residence for the town's only doctor and later for its sole barber, a fact confirmed by many who believe both figures still linger in the area. If you're adventurous, you might even encounter the spirit of a little girl in a green dress. Should you venture into the basement, be prepared for shadowy figures and the unsettling sound of an audible growl. The random mantle found there is equally puzzling for others as it is for us!
Exercise caution as you explore the upstairs bedrooms; there have been reports of someone being pushed down the stairs by a spirit known to repeat past actions. If you're drawn to uncover centuries of life, death, murder, and mysteries, don’t hesitate to reach out at or check out Unique Paranormal 1.5 on Facebook.